Holler – Crystal Lake
This was the first building project I've been involved with that I truly enjoyed. Scott from Stoneridge worked with his preferred architect to quickly draw up plans for a custom apartment build inside of my wife and I's aircraft hangar. The subcontractors were the best I've ever experienced. The electrical and plumbing work was pure artistry, a shame to have to cover it all up with walls and floors. The most exceptional work was done by the framer who worked alone for the most part. His attention to every detail and "fixing" the not so straight hangar walls and not so level concrete floor made all the follow on work straight and plumb. The drywall and paint work were also first class. I was dubious of the contracted build time of 12 weeks, but Scott Skiermanski was true to his word. There was a two week over run due to the custom windows and very custom cabinet tops that was not a factor in the end. The end result is a very comfortable summer home for us that is truly breathtaking.